Kim Dylla
artist, designer, metal singer, computer scientist


An accomplished visual artist, Kim Dylla's Physics Paintings have been exhibited on both coasts, and sold to both private collections and large laboratories in the United States and Europe. She has painted from imagery she gathered primarily of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility and Free Electron Laser at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia, as well as the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator at the Max Plank Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald, Germany. Through her oil paintings, she seeks to investigate the space between Science and Art by exploring the visual identity of technology. The machines exist without a user, residing separately in their own distinct presence. This presence is a visual one- a push and pull of virtual space, of painterly and hyperreal, and an interaction between light, line, space, and material.

Kim Dylla graduated from the University of Virginia with degrees in Art and Computer Science, and was awarded a graduate fellowship for Digital Art. Since 2013 she has been a full time traveling artist and designer, for her company Kylla Custom Rock Wear. Kylla Custom Rock Wear creates custom stage wardrobes for major performing artists in the heavy metal and rock world, and has clients in 72 countries worldwide.
An accomplished artist, Kim's Physics Paintings have been exhibited on both coasts, and sold to the collections of clients in the United States and Europe. Her Stellarator paintings were shown at the 2022 Physics Congress in Washington DC. Also working in interactive installation, she has exhibited pieces that synthesize computer vision technology, alternative MIDI interfaces, and interactive video with traditional media, authoring her own customized scripts.
Extending her artistic endeavors into the musical realm, Kim Dylla is also a heavy metal vocalist, having toured and performed with the legendary band GWAR as her futuristic character Vulvatron. Currently she is singing with Folk Metal legends Cruachan, from Ireland. Kim Dylla has also performed with bands such as The Burned Over, Velvet Acid Christ, Mindless Faith, Stahlsarg, Chrome Waves, Corrosion of Conformity Blind, Fulton Ave, AndsvarA, Kung Fu Dykes, A Winter Lost, and Thismeansyou since 2002. Many of her recordings and musical collaborations have reached international radio acclaim and distribution, including a track featured on the 2016 Children of Bodom album "I Worship Chaos". Her current studio project is "The Burned Over"
In her career in the Digital Humanities- she worked for several years at the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities as the Visualization Systems Operator and the Director of 3D Modeling for the Rome Reborn project, which has been featured in Siggraph, Google Earth, Newsweek, the New York Times, and other publications worldwide. Her work at the Institute utilized Computer Graphics technology to further understanding, preservation, and access to cultural heritage and digital archaeology initiatives, particularly in ancient Rome. She furthers this work now with Flyover Zone, leader in Scholarly Virtual Tourism. Kim Dylla also worked on the scientific side of the Computer Graphics technology she used in the Rome Reborn project, programming interfaces for NVIDIA/mental images' Reality Server remote rendering software. This fusion of science and art is inescapable througout all aspects of her work.